Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blog pics ??!!??

I've been thinking a lot about posting some outifts on the blog
Mark you, I'm not the best dresser
Neither am I best with mixing patterns and materials
But its just this 'great' idea that I have
Especially some of the nice church outfits

Soooooooo .. I had this mini, unofficial shoot
Thought, hey, maybe I could use this for my blog
And .......... EPIC FAIL!!!! lol

I was in front of the camera and I never knew how to pose
I started wondering if I should do GQ, Essence pose?
Or I should do some crazy pose?
Should I walk while the photographer snaps?
Should I? Should I? Should I?
I was soooooo clueless!

Here's one I decided to go with
I say, its the best from the 'plenty few'

                            [capture by: Stanny Photography]

Maybe some day I will master the 'blog-taking-picture-art'
But for now, I'll be a wanna-be-model

Happy Thursday readers!! :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Under Construction ... I'm being Made

I'm under construction
I'm being made - still on the potter's wheel
being worked on by God

The path that I take isn't a smooth path
It's filled with rocks to climb,
Trials to face, Valleys to go through
Even fall in pits and dungeon that leave scars

I lie, commit sins only God knows of
But in spite of it all
He still decides to work on me
Because He knows my now isn't who I am
There's more to me than my now
 He knows that when I'm through being tried 
I SHALL come forth as gold.

He's still working on me 
To make me who I ought to be .....
I'm under daily construction!