Live the now like there's no tomorrow
Live the now because you want no regrets
Live the now and cherish those around
Show appreciation with one hug,
Tweet or even just one sweet
Don't take the now for granted
Now is not the time to miss out
On what you have
The past is behind and can easily be retrieve
'cause its saved in the memory file [brain]
But while strolling down memory lane
Don't lose sight of the now
Don't miss out on the now
Cherish the now! Cherish today! :)

"Glancing back is good, it shows where you've come from ...
Staring too long, you may lose sight of the now"
thanks for this reminder. this is a refreshing post. really appreciate this one. and i can see a lot of the value of ur experiences in this post. I'm grateful for all my 'nows'.