Effective tomorrow
Most, if not all offices and schools will be closed here
And won't be re-opened until Tuesday morning
In Jamaica [I believe] we look forward to every holiday on the calendar
It's the first thing [I] highlight when I get a calendar at the beginning of the year
Am I the only one?? Yikes!
So for the now, It's Easter holiday
And ooooh and I glad!!
I get to sleep a little later
Stay home and blast the music
Hang out with my frennies
Go to church twice (Good Friday and Easter Sunday)
Study for exam **no fun**
[Hope I live to see another day]
And this pic below explains how happy I am for this holiday :)
What are your plans for the Easter?
Do you have an additional 2 days to relax too?
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Beautiful me :)
You know what I love to see?
I love to see a full natural girl
No eyebrow adjustment, Fully natural hair,
Lil to no makeup
No extra toe nail, No extra finger nail
No added eyelash,
No additions, No nothing!!
[you get my point, right?]
I think when it was my time to be conceived
God said, "This one is gonna be a beauty"
And that I am :D
Never seen beauty yet?
Take a look at me :)
A girl gotta brag sometimes :p
I really do think I am beautiful
I love my smile and my dimples!!
[A great friend of mine says it a face defect .. lol ..
But who cares when I rock it well :)]
[Had on make-up in this .. Was apart of a wedding]
I loving me .. Admiring my beauty today
Rocking it well!!
After-all, there's only one beautiful me :)
"Love you like only you can .. Ain't no one gonna do it for ya!"
"Beauty is me :)"
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I'm a pinner!
Hi, my name is Chrisandra Grant
I'm a pinterest-olic
And I need help .... NOT!!!!! :p
It's a good pass-time for me
Think I had stated it in a recent post of mine
But at that time I stated that 'I like it'
Now, I'd say - Pin-addict!
Check it out! :)
Maybe you may like it too!
What is your 'addict'? What do you like to do?
What's your '..olic'?
I've placed some of these foods in a folder of things to try in the kitchen
I'm a lover of Shrimp!! yaap
If I go everyday [when I travel],
I'll eat it EVERYDAY!
Have you ever 'stumbled' upon a shoes and its like woww THEN you go to the price and you go 'too much NEXTTT!!!'?
I love shoes ... Don't have many BUT in my pinning closet
I have a growing amount :)
One thing I love is a natural neat updo!
I've tried some of them
But it never came out as I had it in mind
Soo, if you know me well enough
I'll rock my low bun, high bun and my plaits until I get this tasks.
Natural rocks!!! :)
Monday, March 25, 2013
Acknowledge Him!!
I have a confession
Soooooo the other day during devotion
I was praying and I found myself
Praying for the blog!
Yapp that's my confession I prayed for the blog!
For those who come in contact with it,
For those who reads each line
For every post I make
For every aspect of the blog
I prayed about it.
When I was through praying, I started laughing
I messaged my sissy telling her what transpired
Twas unbelievable!!! **smile**
The Bible did speak of acknowledging God in ALL our doings Proverbs 3:6
and even in this aspect/path in my life I need direction too right?
[that's okay if you don't agree]
But, Yapp I think I do!
And so, I am here to tell you
No matter how minor the matter may be
No matter how much you think you've got this
Acknowledge God and allow Him to direct you
In the RIGHT path
It may be a job opening, You may wanna purchase a car
Not sure what to cook, What shoes to buy
Acknowledge Him!
Not only for the big things
Don't just acknowledge God when you want a spouse
Or you want Him to grant a request
Soooooo the other day during devotion
I was praying and I found myself
Praying for the blog!
Yapp that's my confession I prayed for the blog!
For those who come in contact with it,
For those who reads each line
For every post I make
For every aspect of the blog
I prayed about it.
When I was through praying, I started laughing
I messaged my sissy telling her what transpired
Twas unbelievable!!! **smile**
The Bible did speak of acknowledging God in ALL our doings Proverbs 3:6
and even in this aspect/path in my life I need direction too right?
[that's okay if you don't agree]
But, Yapp I think I do!
And so, I am here to tell you
No matter how minor the matter may be
No matter how much you think you've got this
Acknowledge God and allow Him to direct you
In the RIGHT path
It may be a job opening, You may wanna purchase a car
Not sure what to cook, What shoes to buy
Acknowledge Him!
Not only for the big things
Don't just acknowledge God when you want a spouse
Or you want Him to grant a request
Consult Him for EVERYTHING!!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Have a good one ...
Woww am I glad today is Friday
And I don't have to work tomorrow!! :)
Happy is me!!!!!!
If you ain't going to church on Sunday
You can join us (my church) at
Faith Chapel UPC live stream
or you can check out our YouTube archive
and subscribe if you so desire
Faith Chapel YouTube channel
or you can check out our YouTube archive
and subscribe if you so desire
Faith Chapel YouTube channel
Have a great weekend ya'll!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Born Again??!!??

Acts 2:38 speaks of the plan of salvation. It's basically one of the prerequisites in order to go to Heaven.
To complete the traveling package, while on earth, one should live a life that is in accordance with the Word of God.
The flesh has to [MUST] die daily - for some like myself, we gotta die every hour, every minute.
Because sin cannot enter, not even sit on the walls of Heaven.
St. John 3:1-15, speaks of being born again. Nicodemus asked Jesus how can he be born again in his old age? Can His mother give birth to him again?!? click here for full read of John 3
"I am suicidal.. This flesh must die because Heaven is my focus" -Chrisandra Grant
"Can't go to another country without our passport, neither can we go to heaven if we don't have salvation" - Chrisandra Grant
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Short-Term memory .. Not so bad afterall
People tell me all the time that I have really poor memory. I
just keep on forgetting things. They always make it sound like a bad thing. But
of lately I’ve begun to question this. I now wonder if it’s a gift from God, rather
than a fault I own. I’ll try to explain why.
Most of the times I just can’t seem to remember what someone
had asked me to do for them. Maybe I forgot to send them an email or perhaps I forgot to carry the pictures for
them on the jump drive or it is that I forgot to pass on that message to my wife.
Haaaaa…there’s a lot more but I keep forgetting them..LOL
Anyway, by definition,
“short-term memory involves the things that we
are thinking about and aware of at the current moment. In most cases,
information that is kept in short-term memory can be stored for approximately
20 to 30 seconds. However, this time period can be even shorter if the
individual is distracted or if rehearsal and maintenance of the information is
prevented. According to memory experts, we can store approximately four chunks
or pieces of information in short-term memory.”
So it seems at the current moment I do remember what you
said/did; what I should do/email/carry…etc. that’s all in my short-term memory;
providing I’m not distracted by the computer or some nice music. But they are
soon forgotten and quickly disappear if I don’t write them down.
But again I say this may not be such a bad thing! I’m now
beginning to look back (with some difficulty of memory) and I can faintly recognize
that a lot of times persons have done or said hurtful things to me. Yet no
sooner than it happened I pretty much forgive them and forget about it.
Not everyone is like this. So this is trait which I am happy to possess.
Yes – forgiveness and short-term memory go hand in hand. I think in our lives
they should be married.
If I were to have the
long standing memory of an elephant then it’s quite likely that I wouldn’t be
so quick to forgive. Hurts would linger for longer periods, tempers would
flare, and I would walk around with that pushed out lower lip my wife says I
have whenever I’m vexed.
However, it gets so much simpler when I think of how the
great omniscient God of heaven deliberately causes our sins to be remembered no
more. And this happens just as soon as we bow our heads and request
Micah 7:19 (KJV) - "He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our
iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea."
I’ve gotta thank God for that. He’ll get upset with us but
yet His love endures. And as soon as we ask for pardon he forgets all about it.
Till we meet again .. Have a great day! :)
D. Rich
Guest Blogger
Guest Blogger
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Daring colors .. Love it!
I'm sooooo loving the new fashion trend - Color block
I'm just loving the colors
No more full black, full white, full this and full that
No more being safe!
It's all about dressing daring
I love it! :)
Fashion is taking it to a next level
When you see polka dots with stripes
And floral with stripes
Like wowwwww
History repeating itself
No more days of people looking granny when they wear certain combinations
Its all about fashion and statements
And funnily enough I'm loving it!
Especially when it's done modestly
Modest fashion rocks!!!!
Are you gonna be apart of the 'daring-fashion'?
What are some of your daring combinations?
I'm just loving the colors
No more full black, full white, full this and full that
No more being safe!
It's all about dressing daring
I love it! :)
Fashion is taking it to a next level
When you see polka dots with stripes
And floral with stripes
Like wowwwww
History repeating itself
No more days of people looking granny when they wear certain combinations
Its all about fashion and statements
And funnily enough I'm loving it!
Especially when it's done modestly
Modest fashion rocks!!!!
Are you gonna be apart of the 'daring-fashion'?
What are some of your daring combinations?
Monday, March 18, 2013
Don't get it twisted ... He knows my name!
I think I'm good with faces and names
Once I have come in contact with you
The other day I saw a primary school classmate
And I waved and called out her name in excitement
Think I acted like a clown
[looking back at myself now.. smh.. silly me]
And can you believe that after all that excitement
She didn't remember my face or my name??!!??
I felt soooo embarassed
I said to self,
"Self, don't ever do that again" and just laughed
But it just amazes me
The fact that there are millions of billions of people in the world
And God knows each and everyone of us by name
And all of our concerns, problems, stress, headaches, etc
He knows us all by name
And He never mixes up our requests
He never calls Tom, Jerry or Jerry, Taz or Taz, Mickey
I don't know how he does it
But He's good that's all I know .....
He's Indescribable!
Once I have come in contact with you
[Wouldn't say I'm the best though]
The other day I saw a primary school classmate
And I waved and called out her name in excitement
Think I acted like a clown
[looking back at myself now.. smh.. silly me]
And can you believe that after all that excitement
She didn't remember my face or my name??!!??
I felt soooo embarassed
I said to self,
"Self, don't ever do that again" and just laughed
But it just amazes me
The fact that there are millions of billions of people in the world
And God knows each and everyone of us by name
And all of our concerns, problems, stress, headaches, etc
He knows us all by name
And He never mixes up our requests
He never calls Tom, Jerry or Jerry, Taz or Taz, Mickey
I don't know how he does it
But He's good that's all I know .....
He's Indescribable!
"He knows my name ... Even when I forget His"
Friday, March 15, 2013
Today's a gift
Here in Jamaica
I'm loving the weather
Its overcast with light showers
The breeze is just right!
[for a moment there, I felt like a weatherman.. lol]
I just want to take the time out to thank God for this gift
The gift of life, The gift of breath,
The gift of another day -Another Friday
The gift called 'Today'
What are you doing with your gift?
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Nahh .. Nothing too hard!
Is there ANYTHING too hard for God??
Is there
ANYTHING too big for MY God?
Is there a problem you think God just can't solve?
I dare you to try Him
situation may seem big, huge and mountainous in my eyes
BUT God .... In His eyes its just a
Jesus .. I believe!!
*encouraging someone*
God is concerned
about you
Not just the good things but also the bad
He's concerned about every aspect of your life
He's into you
And I tell you
He'll take very good care of you if you let Him.
Try Him
I promise you He won't disappointed!
"God is the God of Peace .. He says Peace be still
and the problem has no other choice but to
BE STILL!!" - Chrisandra Grant
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Don't do it without me ...
Journeying home after school
The song entitled 'Don't do it without me' came to mind
And so I started to think on the lyrics
'Lord, whatever you doing in this season
Don't do it without me, Don't do it without me'
And I started to think (just me and my thoughts - I could be wrong)
What am I really saying?
Should God hold up 'whatever' He is doing in this season
just for me?
What if I'm not at the place where I should be?
What if 'i' am a backslider?
Should I ask God to not bless or heal or deliver without me?
Would that be selfish of me?
God doesn't have to give a schedule as to when He wants to do what
When He does His work, (blessing, deliverance, healing) He does it well
So as not to miss out on any of these happenings,
Any of these blessings, Any of these healings
Be at the place you should be
Be positioned for your promise.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Asking ...
Never knew I would miss posting like I did these past days
This 'old' body has been aching
But I'm not out .. Thank God
My healing is near
I'm still learning about blogger
And would really love some assistance
How to set up tabs and advertisement?
How to link my blog with shopping sites?
Etcetera .. Etcetera .. Etcetera
[haha, never seen anyone asked before, lol .. Oh well!! :)]
Feel free to leave instructions in the comment box below
I'll greatly appreciate it
Its cool to ask for help right? :)
"Never let pride prevent you from asking"
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Don't move!
This morning on my way to work
I stopped at a restaurant
After I made my purchase and exited the establishment
I was at the intersection in Half-Way-Tree waiting to cross
While there, I noticed that both lights were on red
this sign was telling me to cross
But I wasn't so sure it was the right thing to do
Then again, I didn't want to start crossing
and this sign appears [because I wasn't in the mood to run]
Being so indecisive,
I decided to stand still and not move
Until I thought it was 'safe' to cross
When I felt that 'peace', I proceeded
I mentioned this scenario to tell you
If you're not sure what step to take
Don't move just pray and stand still!
You may be at a cross-roads and not sure whether to go left or right
Just stand still and wait on God to direct you.
Until then .... DON'T MOVE!!
"Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding [BUT] in ALL thy ways acknowledge Him [not men] and He SHALL direct thy path" - Proverbs 3:5-6
Monday, March 4, 2013
Mirro Mirror on the wall

I cried when I read that story because I tried to put myself in that man's shoes to even fathom how can he do such a thing, how can he take the very lives of the children he brought into this world. It seemed ludicrous that there are persons of this nature out there.
But, I stopped and think about the scripture that encourages us to, "Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus". I think we might take it lightly but it made me realize that there is a protection of our thoughts and control of the mind when we submit our mind to Christ daily. If it wasn't for God covering, that could have been any one of us living in today's world.
So, the next time you look in the mirror and see the man/woman facing you, think that this could have been the other you outside of God's covering, it makes me just to want praise him some more, how about you?
Guest Author,
Czyzon Robinson.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Worry not ....
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