Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nothing like hymns

I love my hymns
They are just different from the contemporary songs we hear now 
Mark you, I don't listen hymns everyday 
Nothing is wrong with variety
But when I do listen them 
I go hard and done!
Even research the verses and what makes the song writer pen this song,
Where their mind was at .. all these things!! :) #Research

Sometimes just the chorus, sometimes just the verse or even one line
Gzzzz ... its like it takes me way in!!!
Just shut me away from the cares of this world 
And puts me in a different zone
'Crazy' eeeh .. 
BUT music does that
Thank God for it.

So today I'm sharing one of my favorite hymns with ya'll entitled 
"'Whatever it takes"

Verse 1:: There's a voice calling me, from an old rugged tree
And He whispers draw closer to me
Leave this world far behind,
There are new heights to climb
And a new place in Me you will find

Chorus::: And whatever it takes, to draw closer to You Lord
That's what I'd be wiling to do
And whatever it takes, to be more like you
That's what I'd be willing to do

Verse 2::: Take my houses and lands,
Take my dreams and my plans.
I place my whole life in Your hands.
And if you call me someday,
To a land far away,
Lord, I'll go and Your will obey. 

Verse 3::: Take the dearest things to me,
If that's how it must be
To draw closer to Thee
Let the disappointments come
Lonely days without the sun
If through sorrow more like You I'll become

Bridge::: I'll trade sunshine for rain
Comfort for pain
That's what I'll be willing to do
For whatever it takes for my will to break,
That's what I'll be willing to do

Now you tell me if this ain't some serious words!
Sometimes we have to be very careful of the songs we sing so 'loosely'
Because this to me sounds like a promise
I could be wrong
Just my thoughts though!

It's mid-week,
Itttttt's Wednzdayyyyyy ya'll!!!!!!! :)


  1. thanks for being real in this post!

  2. Hymns have a way of taking you into the very Throne room of God!
    Its an amazing feeling being able to be swept away by em.
    #Love hymns gone to bed
