Though I have not been around this week
You, my readers, have been on ma mind
So as not to leave this week without a word or few
I decided to stop by for a minute or two
To leave a thought
Go after your dreams
No matter how big or small it may be
Take that first step toward it
No matter what people may say or think
If it makes you happy .. Do it!
If its legal .. Do it!
If its something you think God will approve .. Go ahead and do it!
Have a blessed weekend ya'll!!!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
The Wow piece
In my previous post Don't waste time
I basically invited you in my 'quiet time' activity
But before I go any further
Lemmi just say this before I continue.. lol
This is not the only dress I have .. It just so happened that when I wear a statement piece
I always end up in this lovely dress
I love it .. Its one of my fave go to church dress
So bear with me :D
Now that that's out the way :) ... Lets get down to real matters
This 'piece' is my first sewn (with machine) bag
It has been on my heart a longgggggggg time ago to have a sewing machine
And powwww.. just like that
God blessed me with it for such as time as this
And I am soooo grateful
But I was so happy to wear my bag!!!
It was a WOW bag for me
And so I had to post it on a Wednesday
It's a WOW Wednesday!!! :)
"Dreams do come through.. If only you believe, act and make it happen"
Have a WOW Wednesday
Monday, August 11, 2014
Don't waste your talent
When God blesses you with a talent
You shouldn't waste it
For me, it took me a while to realize what my talent was
While for others they just knew what there's were and ran with it.
I love DIYs activities .. Its fun for me
About 2 years ago, I sew a bag with my hand
And I enjoyed doing it
So I decided to share the 'quiet time' side of me
Pardon the quality, it was taken 2 years ago with a not so posh phone
Of course, I wore it to church the following day after it was made
No wasting time with that
I felt so proud of myself when I saw the finished product and the fact that it was hand-sewn
I love using my hands to make something out of nothing.
God gave me a talent to use my hands
And I want to say publicly that I plan to improve on what I got/know
Where is this hobby/talent going to take me?
Hmmm.. Lets see
But in the interim, I want you to take this journey with me.
I leave you with these questions to think about as I have previously done
What's my talent?
Why am I sitting on my talent?
What am I afraid of?
Its time to take the first step in making your dreams a reality.
Dreams do come through
As I speak to you, I encourage myself
"Don't waste your talent"
Matthew 25:14-30
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Nutrition ... Pt 2
Continuing from yesterday's post
Informing you as I educate myself
These are the final 5 little known facts about well-known foods.
6. Pumpkin Seeds are high in zinc, which is good for the prostate and building of immune system. They also contain fatty acids that kills parasites. Raw pumpkin seeds contains fatty acids and beneficial proteins.
7. Sweet Potatoes are excellent sources of carotenoid (definition) antioxidants. They contain calcium, are very high in Vitamin A and C and contain thiamine. Be careful though eating too many may cause abdominal swelling and indigestion. Sweet potatoes are also high in sugar and therefore should be used sparingly. Sweet potatoes are nor related to the potato or yam family.
8. Tomato is an excellent source of Vitamin C (the vitamin C is mostly concentrated in the jelly-like substance around the seeds). They also contain Vitamin A and B-complex vitamins, potassium and phosphorus.
9. Zucchini and other summer squash varieties contain Vitamin A and C. They also contain potassium and calcium. The flavor of zucchini is best when it is less than 6 inches long. Zucchini can grow as large as a baseball bat but have little flavor when they reach that size.
10. Peanuts contain beneficial protein but many people (like me) are allergic to them and find them very hard to digest. They contain Aflatoxin (definition), a carcinogenic (definition) which explains why peanut farmers have been found to have disproportionately high rates of cancer.
Doing this research has been very informative for me.
Hope it was as to you as it was for me
What are some of the well known foods around the world that persons may not know much about?
I look forward to hearing some of your feedback.
Until next time .. Stay healthy
Informing you as I educate myself
These are the final 5 little known facts about well-known foods.
6. Pumpkin Seeds are high in zinc, which is good for the prostate and building of immune system. They also contain fatty acids that kills parasites. Raw pumpkin seeds contains fatty acids and beneficial proteins.
7. Sweet Potatoes are excellent sources of carotenoid (definition) antioxidants. They contain calcium, are very high in Vitamin A and C and contain thiamine. Be careful though eating too many may cause abdominal swelling and indigestion. Sweet potatoes are also high in sugar and therefore should be used sparingly. Sweet potatoes are nor related to the potato or yam family.
8. Tomato is an excellent source of Vitamin C (the vitamin C is mostly concentrated in the jelly-like substance around the seeds). They also contain Vitamin A and B-complex vitamins, potassium and phosphorus.
9. Zucchini and other summer squash varieties contain Vitamin A and C. They also contain potassium and calcium. The flavor of zucchini is best when it is less than 6 inches long. Zucchini can grow as large as a baseball bat but have little flavor when they reach that size.
10. Peanuts contain beneficial protein but many people
Doing this research has been very informative for me.
Hope it was as to you as it was for me
What are some of the well known foods around the world that persons may not know much about?
I look forward to hearing some of your feedback.
Until next time .. Stay healthy
Monday, August 4, 2014
Nutrition Time .. Part 1
Its been a while .. But I am challenging myself to drop in every now and then
Even if it is to leave a quote or so
These are 5 little-known facts about well-known foods.
1. Avocado [also known as pear in some countries] has more than twice as much potassium as banana. For delicious, creamy salad dressing, mix together avocado and fresh carrot juice.
2. Bananas are high in sugar so they should not be eaten if you have blood sugar problems (but if you so desire to intake, don't eat all of 12 at once - one will suffice). Don't eat bananas on an empty stomach; combining it with a little protein will help to normalize the insulin response caused by the sugar in banana. Green-tipped bananas are better for your health than over-ripe (not sure why).
3. Beet Roots are high in carbohydrate levels and should therefore be used sparingly.
4. Broccoli contains twice the vitamin C of an orange. It has almost as much calcium as whole milk.
5. Cilantro may be useful to treat urinary tract infections. Both the leaves and seeds aid digestion, relieve intestinal gas, pain and distention.
Some of these fruits and vegetables are great for weight-loss
Since I've noticed everyone starting this healthy lifestyle
Not sure if its a trend or persons just becoming health conscious,
But healthy should be a lifestyle
Our bodies are worth more than those junk!
Please note guys that I am no dietician or nutritionist
But I did a mini research :)
Have a healthy fun filled day :D
See you tomorrow!
Even if it is to leave a quote or so
These are 5 little-known facts about well-known foods.
1. Avocado [also known as pear in some countries] has more than twice as much potassium as banana. For delicious, creamy salad dressing, mix together avocado and fresh carrot juice.
2. Bananas are high in sugar so they should not be eaten if you have blood sugar problems (but if you so desire to intake, don't eat all of 12 at once - one will suffice). Don't eat bananas on an empty stomach; combining it with a little protein will help to normalize the insulin response caused by the sugar in banana. Green-tipped bananas are better for your health than over-ripe (not sure why).
3. Beet Roots are high in carbohydrate levels and should therefore be used sparingly.
4. Broccoli contains twice the vitamin C of an orange. It has almost as much calcium as whole milk.
5. Cilantro may be useful to treat urinary tract infections. Both the leaves and seeds aid digestion, relieve intestinal gas, pain and distention.
Some of these fruits and vegetables are great for weight-loss
Since I've noticed everyone starting this healthy lifestyle
Not sure if its a trend or persons just becoming health conscious,
But healthy should be a lifestyle
Our bodies are worth more than those junk!
Please note guys that I am no dietician or nutritionist
But I did a mini research :)
Have a healthy fun filled day :D
See you tomorrow!
Sunday, June 15, 2014
The Best Man
The Best Man .... My Dad
Ohh Geezz.. Where to start?
Guess I could start by saying, 'I love my Dad'
My Dad has shown me strength
He has shown me never to give up on my dreams
Though sometimes the journey may take forever
And you may feel like you're going around in circles
Finish the course
My Dad .... he has been a provider
I remember when I was a teenager
And all we had in the house EVERY Sunday
for dinner was cornbeef and white rice
With some good ketchup
Idk if he planned it that way or coincidence :)
lol..Maybe thats all he could cook.. idk
But he ALWAYS ensured that my belly was full
He always ensured I was happy
He was the clown in our home.. dwl
Never a dull moment .. ever!
I could say a million more things about my superman
My super-friend, My go-to guy, My daddeeeeeee
I love him!!! I really don't know what I would do without him
He makes my dark days high...
He's my forever friend!
Happy daddeeee's day!!!!
You are indeed the GREATEST dad ever!
And I know you would be the BESTEST grandpapi :)

Happy Fathers Day to all those fathers' who have been more than a sperm donor
We don't call you father..
We call you Dad.. Daddy.. Pappi.. Papa
Continue doing the great work
You will be rewarded!
Monday, May 26, 2014
TIME ...
Time, it can never be replaced
Time, it goes by so quickly
With time there's no pause, no play, no stop button
Time, it goes by so quickly
With time there's no pause, no play, no stop button
It's no 'press pause and play'
The time you take reading my blog now
[which by the way, I appreciate so much]
Would never be regained
When you're done
It now becomes the past.
Don't take it for granted
The time you stay vex with someone
Is the time you miss exchanging laughs
[I'm still learning too]
For me, right now
I wish I had one more hour, one more day
to share a smile, a hug with you
One more of everything
Just to have more time
And when that time is over ...
Believe me!!! .. I would want more time :)
But you know what's weird about life?
We always wish we had more time!!!
More time to do ..
More time to say..
More time .....
More time .....
Use your time wisely!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Have a great day :)
Happy Memorial Day
Monday, May 5, 2014
Muffin top - Just gotta go!!
Wowww .. It's been so long since I've written
Weeks became months
But I'm back!
We as ladies become so healthand belly conscious sometime
Doing all these challenges
Mixing all these drinks
Green juice, Pink juice, blue juice
You name it .. We blend it!!
The way we are so desperate for our muffin tops (Belly jigs) to go
We are willing to do anything
To see what works for us
Well for those of us who are still hopeful
And tries all these mixeslike myself
Here's a few you can look at.
Ps. Have your tissue nearby in case :)
I'm currently on the Flat Belly Water (Detox) lol lol
These names I tell you!!
Flat Tummy Water This is consist of cucumber, lemon/lime (depending on the one that is available), ginger, water. Let the fruits infuse for atleast an hour and your good to go!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Have a great and productive Monday
Weeks became months
But I'm back!
We as ladies become so health
Doing all these challenges
Mixing all these drinks
Green juice, Pink juice, blue juice
You name it .. We blend it!!
The way we are so desperate for our muffin tops (Belly jigs) to go
We are willing to do anything
To see what works for us
Well for those of us who are still hopeful
And tries all these mixes
Here's a few you can look at.
Ps. Have your tissue nearby in case :)
I'm currently on the Flat Belly Water (Detox) lol lol
These names I tell you!!
Flat Tummy Water This is consist of cucumber, lemon/lime (depending on the one that is available), ginger, water. Let the fruits infuse for atleast an hour and your good to go!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Have a great and productive Monday
Don't allow muffin top to take residence on your tummy,
let it remain on the muffin - Chrissy Grant
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Mini shoot .. After Church
I use to hear as a child that Apostolic/ Pentecostal ladies dress so granny-ish and old .. I wonder what they are saying about us now? I've heard them say 'Ya'll dress too hot', 'I don't have any clothes to fit in with unuh Apostolic if I come visit your church'.
But I'm glad for this evolution, this change, the fashion forward movement YET still maintaining our modern-ness, our standout-ness, our set-apartness [pardon me, I make up words when I'm ready.. But you get the point :)]
Here are a few pics my friends and I took after church in February 2014.
I love this :)
These are my family. We in our own element - Terese, She's the one always ready for camera (as you can see) Czyzon, he's the GQ guy and thats me in the purple and pink, my face always want to fix .. BUT thats our candid shoot for you :)
Ter and I very honored to get a minute of Minister Reid's time before he leaves :)
I love her so much. She's been the knock to my closed doors on days when I don't want it opened. Very rare you can find someone who is persistent and loyal. I pray God continue to keep her as a rock in my life no matter what storm rage.
Me being silly as usual .. Photo bombing her photos :)
Thanks for stopping by .. Have a happy evening!!
Matthew 5: 13-15
"For we are the salt of the world .. We are salt and light!!
But I'm glad for this evolution, this change, the fashion forward movement YET still maintaining our modern-ness, our standout-ness, our set-apartness [pardon me, I make up words when I'm ready.. But you get the point :)]
Here are a few pics my friends and I took after church in February 2014.
I love this :)
These are my family. We in our own element - Terese, She's the one always ready for camera (as you can see) Czyzon, he's the GQ guy and thats me in the purple and pink, my face always want to fix .. BUT thats our candid shoot for you :)
Ter and I very honored to get a minute of Minister Reid's time before he leaves :)
I love her so much. She's been the knock to my closed doors on days when I don't want it opened. Very rare you can find someone who is persistent and loyal. I pray God continue to keep her as a rock in my life no matter what storm rage.
Me being silly as usual .. Photo bombing her photos :)
Thanks for stopping by .. Have a happy evening!!
Matthew 5: 13-15
"For we are the salt of the world .. We are salt and light!!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
It's inevitable!!
Your mistakes does not define who you are
Neither do they define who you will be
You are defined by what you did when you fall
Did you get up, brush yourself off
And go again?
Or did you just stay there in self-pity?
Oh poor me.. The world has fallen upon me
We are imperfect beings
We fail, mess up, drop, get scars
Mistakes are inevitable
Experience teaches wisdom.
Learn from those experiences and be a better you
What are you gonna do about your past?
Get over it ... Move Forward!!
It's a 'Lets-go-again' day
Thanks for stopping by today :)
Have a great day
Neither do they define who you will be
You are defined by what you did when you fall
Did you get up, brush yourself off
And go again?
Or did you just stay there in self-pity?
Oh poor me.. The world has fallen upon me
We are imperfect beings
We fail, mess up, drop, get scars
Mistakes are inevitable
Experience teaches wisdom.
Learn from those experiences and be a better you
What are you gonna do about your past?
Get over it ... Move Forward!!
It's a 'Lets-go-again' day
Thanks for stopping by today :)
Have a great day
Thursday, February 6, 2014
A life lived for Christ - Lady Gunter
Last night, I heard a bittersweet news
My friends' mom passed :(
It took me by surprise
Its one of those news you least expect to hear
Its 'funny' though
That I have not met her
But the love expressed to others, the stories I've heard of her
The smile she wore, her personality
Just feels like I have known her for years
And so it really hit home
I woke this morning thinking this feels so surreal
As it was a dream
You may have wondered though
Why would a passing be bittersweet?
It is because she was saved Acts 2:38, she had Jesus
[You can read up on previous post Born Again??!!??]
And when a saint die we believe that we'll see each other again
In the next life
So I'm gonna miss her and that's the bitter part about it
But the sweet part is that she died in Christ
Let your life speak volume
Without you utterng a word
Make your life speak for you.
Rest in Peace Sis Gunter.
You will be missed
"Live like Christ .... Live for Christ"
My friends' mom passed :(
It took me by surprise
Its one of those news you least expect to hear
Its 'funny' though
That I have not met her
But the love expressed to others, the stories I've heard of her
The smile she wore, her personality
Just feels like I have known her for years
And so it really hit home
I woke this morning thinking this feels so surreal
As it was a dream
You may have wondered though
Why would a passing be bittersweet?
It is because she was saved Acts 2:38, she had Jesus
[You can read up on previous post Born Again??!!??]
And when a saint die we believe that we'll see each other again
In the next life
So I'm gonna miss her and that's the bitter part about it
But the sweet part is that she died in Christ
Let your life speak volume
Without you utterng a word
Make your life speak for you.
Rest in Peace Sis Gunter.
You will be missed
"Live like Christ .... Live for Christ"
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Grateful Unlimited
I'm feeling so happy today
I woke up feeling grateful
Grateful for another day
Grateful for the little things
Grateful for breath
Grateful for clothes to wear, clothes to choose from
Grateful that though I don't have a lot of money
I still have a little to help
Grateful that I have a job
Grateful for the opportunity to go to school
Grateful for His blood
Grateful for God's Grace
Grateful that Jesus loves me
Grateful for Salvation
Grateful for God's protection
Grateful for my family
Grateful for friends
Grateful for experiences that made me who I am today
Gratefulness is flowing from my heart
I'm grateful unlimited!!! [If that makes sense :) ]
I'm just grateful!! :)
What are you grateful for today?
I woke up feeling grateful
Grateful for another day
Grateful for the little things
Grateful for breath
Grateful for clothes to wear, clothes to choose from
Grateful that though I don't have a lot of money
I still have a little to help
Grateful that I have a job
Grateful for the opportunity to go to school
Grateful for His blood
Grateful for God's Grace
Grateful that Jesus loves me
Grateful for Salvation
Grateful for God's protection
Grateful for my family
Grateful for friends
Grateful for experiences that made me who I am today
Gratefulness is flowing from my heart
I'm grateful unlimited!!! [If that makes sense :) ]
I'm just grateful!! :)
What are you grateful for today?
Skirt: Thrift store $4; Cardigan: Love Culture: $2; Inside blouse: KGs $5
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Hellllloooooooo Day 1 2014
Its a New Year!!! :)
The First day of 2014
With this day comes a whole heap of new things (pardon my
First bath
First brushing of teeth
New Breath
New Mercies
New Sunrise
New everything!!!!!!
For me, I spent the last day of 2013 in church and 'ring in' the new year in church also
Spending the day with my friends today
Chilling, playing games, chatting, hugging and showing some love!!! :)
How are you spending you first day?
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