Thursday, February 28, 2013

Stand Out ... Be You!

Why be a commoner when you can be different?
Why want to fit in when you're unique?
Why want to look, act, speak like someone
When you have your own personality?

Don't follow the crowd because everybody's doing it
Don't succumb to peer pressure
Don't succumb to any pressure
Its cool to "Say No" and walk away

Be different
Be unique 
Be the change
Be you
Stand out!!!

"Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind ..." - Romans 12: 2

"It's okay to be YOUnique"

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Don't lose hope

In life, things don't normally go as planned
We plan for the week but something impromptu happens
We budget for the month, but emergency arises
We set appointment, but not all are met

And so, today, I scheduled to have my first guest
BUT  due to exigencies of work, it never happened :(
And you know sometimes when things don't happen the way
You may want it to go
Or don't go the way you had planned it
We sulk and get sad
Know what I mean?

In the midst of all sadness and disappointments
All things work together for good
Maybe its just not the right time!

"Delays don't always mean it will never happen .. It's just not the right time"

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lil things put together - Happiness

Hey everybody - Commentors, Readers, Visitors
And all my page-viewers all around the world!!
Even in Germany and South Africa :)
Just wanna say thanks for stopping by every now and then
Appreciate it greatly!

I am happy today - Like Super-Duperly extremely happy
Like a kid in a candy store - happy
Like a female at the mall shopping - happy
I am happy and as I read my girl's blog today - I smiled :)
Teja's Thoughts - Just smile
"Smile while you have teeth" - borrowed 
And another thing that made my day was  Announcement
I'm just happy!!!!!! :)

Tomorrow, if God forbids, I'll be having my first guest :)
Remember in my first log 
I mention that my friend(s) gonna be here every now and then?
Well tomorrow you'll be able to meet one of the few
Ain't gonna tell you the name though :)

So make it a date
Don't be late
Be sure to make him/her feel welcomed :D

Its the last Tuesday in February ya'll ... 
Thank You Jesus for today!

Monday, February 25, 2013

... No time to miss out

Live the now like there's no tomorrow
Live the now because you want no regrets
Live the now and cherish those around
Show appreciation with one hug,
Tweet or even just one sweet
Don't take the now for granted
Now is not the time to miss out 
On what you have

The past is behind and can easily be retrieve
'cause its saved in the memory file [brain]
But while strolling down memory lane
Don't lose sight of the now
Don't miss out on the now
Cherish the now! Cherish today! :)


"Glancing back is good, it shows where you've come from ... 
Staring too long, you may lose sight of the now"

Friday, February 22, 2013

One more day ....

This morning when God woke me
I smiled and said, :"Yes, its Friday" :)
Thank You Jesus!
I came off the bed and did my happy dance!

I'm glad God gave me one more day to live,
One more day to move my lil toes
One more day to see His artistic work
One more day to hear the birds chirp and all the noise around
One more day to smell the environment
[though stinky at times]
One more day to do all I can do

But most importantly,
One more day to witness,
To tell of His Love and Saving Grace
One more day to love my frennys
and make someone's day with just one smile :)
[I have a beautiful smile by the way]

One more day at life!!!
Thank You Jesus for one more day

Aren't you glad you got ONE MORE DAY?? :)


Happy Friday!!!!
May you have a blessed, fun, happy weekend! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

My style .. The Limited version

I don't see myself as a fashion guru
Or a fashionista
But I love to look nice in what I wear

I'm a frequent pinner on pinterest
I like pinning, seeing new outfit ideas,
DIY crafts, ideas for the home
I think Pinterest , it has every category you can think of

You can check it out if you so desire 
Chrissy's Pinning World

Here are a few of the liked outifts:
[please pardon the jewelry where you may see them]

Pinned Image  Pinned Image
Pinned Image   Pinned Image
Pinned Image   fall transition. maxi skirt with gold belt and sweater. Pinned Image
 "Lili333" by lili333 on PolyvorePinned Image  

 "Style is saying who you are while being silent"

"Know first, who you are; & then adorn yourselves ... accordingly" - Epictetus

Have a productive Thursday guys ... Friday is just a few hours away! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

.. All things well

I've been going through my trials
Days when I wonder 'How am I going to make it?'
Nights when I wonder 'When will this end?'
Even times when I went down to pray
But the only words that came were silence
Hours when tears were my only language to God

But when that phase comes
Who else is there to turn to but God?
He's the only one who is able to help and comfort
[Great friends are there BUT you know those days
when is ONLY God can? .. That's what I'm talking about]
Don't worry, Don't fret ... God's got you!

We gotta encourage ourselves sometimes
Remind ourselves that 'These trials only come to make me strong(er)'
'God won't put more than I can bear'
'...When He has tried me, I SHALL come forth as gold' (Job 23:10)

For I know whate'er befalls me,
[For I know whatever happens in my life]
Jesus doeth ALL things well
Lyrics to 'All the way my Saviour leads me'

1 Corinthians 10:13 says: "... God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."(N.I.V.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Color Blind

Ever wondered how under God's heaven
Did this white girl meet this black boy?
Or this black girl meet this white boy?
Even wondered how this nice slender female model
is married to a huge 300lb man?
Or this very beautiful lady is attracted to this 'ugly' guy?
[Pardon me ... We are fearfully and wonderfully made] 
 That's cause love is colorblind

Love shouldn't love because you're black
Or because you're white
Or even yellow, blue or purple
Love ain't prejudice
Love doesn't love you because you're tall,
Short, big, small, slim or fat 

Love loves you for who you are
Even though you're not perfect
Love sees potential
Love looks past all the flaws,
The short-comings, The mess and the horrible days

Love is colorblind
Love is size-blind
Love is beauty-blind
Love sees you for who you are
Love is colorblind :)

Have a blessed Tuesday!!! **hug**

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Friday, February 15, 2013

Yaay It's Friday!! :)

Don't you just loveeeee Fridays???!!??
Think Fridays are one of my BEST days
To know that I get to leave work early (well for me)
Knowing that I don't have work the next day
It's just super-excitement for me :)

Happy Friday and a super duper weekend!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Be Ready ...

One morning I woke 'pretty' early 
And decided I'd take my own sweet time 
to get ready for work
Bearing in mind few factors - 
I had to get to the bus stop before 7:15
and the walk-time from home to the bus stop is 
roughly 10 minutes

I got ready in good time (at least, so i thought)
Left the house by 7:05 and started my journey 
Arrived at 7:12, thinking to myself "Great, I'm early"
But while at the bus stop waiting a good 10 mins 
Mi sey 'No sahh, di bus cudda mad fi lef me'
*translated: Oh  man, I can't believe the bus left me*
And believe me, the bus left!

For those who take the Jamaica Public Transport,  
You should know the longgggg wait before another bus arrives.
While there, 
I was reminded of the coming of God

It's important that we be ready when God returns
For us the Church - His Bride
There's not going to be another shuttle bus,
Coaster or even 'robot' taxi 
To take us to Heaven
because our minds and our hearts 
Weren't at the place it should have been.

Be Ready ... for the King's Return

Happy Tuesday ya'll!!!!! :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

First time... Scared, But Jesus Help!!

Like a toddler's first day of school
Leaving the parents' arm and entering a new territory
The uncertainty of surviving a minute
The unfamiliar faces staring at you
That feeling of being scared
Will anyone like you? 
Will anyone come to talk to you?
How are you gonna cope?

That's exactly how I'm feeling right now
Starting this blog and embarking on a journey in an unknown world 
where professional bloggers abide
Will this blog get lost among millions?
How harsh will the scrutiny be?
Am I gonna last for a week?
All these thoughts floating around in my mind,
But I'm pressing pass them
I'm fighting against fear and the nervousness
I'm just going to take it a day at a time
One step at a time

This blog is a blog with variety - 
Days of fashion - dos and don'ts 
Natural hairdos, Real talks
Personal Thoughts, Kingdom culture,
Bible readings, Guest bloggers
and even introduce you to some of my super great friends :)

As we go day by day ... Let us enjoy this journey together
Have a blessed and productive Monday! :)

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it"