Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Closes 2013...New Chapter 2014

Hey ya'll ... Its been a while since I've been here
But better late than never, right?

Just wanna take the time to wish you a belated 'Merry Christmas"
Hope you had the privilege of spending that period with family, friends, love ones and even your enemies too
Sharing genuine laughter while eating, drinking and having a fantastic yet memorable moment

While another year comes to an end
All goals that were set may not have been accomplished
Many have had a lot of disappointments
Many have had a lot of accomplishments too
But the most important thing is that you lived to see another year
The last day of another year
And for that you should thank God for that opportunity 

Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year
Tell them Chrissy Grant from 'From my heart to yours'
Wishes them sincere happiness and sends a big hug from my arms to theirs :)