Monday, May 26, 2014

TIME ...

Time, it can never be replaced
Time, it goes by so quickly
With time there's no pause, no play, no stop button
It's no 'press pause and play'

The time you take reading my blog now 
[which by the way, I appreciate so much]
Would never be regained 
When you're done 
It now becomes the past.

Don't take it for granted
The time you stay vex with someone
Is the time you miss exchanging laughs 
[I'm still learning too]

For me, right now
I wish I had one more hour, one more day 
to share a smile, a hug with you 
One more of everything 
Just to have more time
And when that time is over ...
Believe me!!! .. I would want more time :)

But you know what's weird about life?
We always wish we had more time!!!
More time to do .. 
More time to say..
More time .....
More time .....

Use your time wisely!

Thanks for stopping by!!
Have a great day :)
Happy Memorial Day

Monday, May 5, 2014

Muffin top - Just gotta go!!

Wowww .. It's been so long since I've written
Weeks became months
But I'm back!

We as ladies become so health and belly conscious sometime
Doing all these challenges
Mixing all these drinks
Green juice, Pink juice, blue juice
You name it .. We blend it!!

The way we are so desperate for our muffin tops (Belly jigs) to go
We are willing to do anything
To see what works for us

Well for those of us who are still hopeful
And tries all these mixes like myself
Here's a few you can look at.
Ps. Have your tissue nearby in case :)

  1.  25 Flat Belly Sassy Water
  2.  Fat flush drink

I'm currently on the Flat Belly Water (Detox) lol lol
These names I tell you!!

Flat Tummy Water  This is consist of cucumber, lemon/lime (depending on the one that is available), ginger, water. Let the fruits infuse for atleast an hour and your good to go!

Thanks for stopping by!!
Have a great and productive Monday

Don't allow muffin top to take residence on your tummy, 
let it remain on the muffin - Chrissy Grant