Wednesday, February 20, 2013

.. All things well

I've been going through my trials
Days when I wonder 'How am I going to make it?'
Nights when I wonder 'When will this end?'
Even times when I went down to pray
But the only words that came were silence
Hours when tears were my only language to God

But when that phase comes
Who else is there to turn to but God?
He's the only one who is able to help and comfort
[Great friends are there BUT you know those days
when is ONLY God can? .. That's what I'm talking about]
Don't worry, Don't fret ... God's got you!

We gotta encourage ourselves sometimes
Remind ourselves that 'These trials only come to make me strong(er)'
'God won't put more than I can bear'
'...When He has tried me, I SHALL come forth as gold' (Job 23:10)

For I know whate'er befalls me,
[For I know whatever happens in my life]
Jesus doeth ALL things well
Lyrics to 'All the way my Saviour leads me'

1 Corinthians 10:13 says: "... God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."(N.I.V.)


  1. I love this post (no I REALLY do). I decide Kirk Franklin's song, SMILE to you!!

    God is faithful indeed!
