Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Don't lose hope

In life, things don't normally go as planned
We plan for the week but something impromptu happens
We budget for the month, but emergency arises
We set appointment, but not all are met

And so, today, I scheduled to have my first guest
BUT  due to exigencies of work, it never happened :(
And you know sometimes when things don't happen the way
You may want it to go
Or don't go the way you had planned it
We sulk and get sad
Know what I mean?

In the midst of all sadness and disappointments
All things work together for good
Maybe its just not the right time!

"Delays don't always mean it will never happen .. It's just not the right time"


  1. ...and sometimes disappointments give us inspiration for impacting blog posts like these :)
